Jumat, 25 Juli 2014

Tugas Softskill


Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete
Listen to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release

Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own all 'cause you won't

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say what's on my mind
You should have known

Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened, there is someone here inside
Someone I thought had died so long ago
Oh, I'm free now and my dreams will be heard
They will not be pushed aside or turned
Into your own all 'cause you won't

I don't know where I belong
But I'll be moving on
If you don't, if you won't

Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but I will complete

Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you think you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own

My own.


Dengarkan lagu di sini di hatiku
Aku mulai melodi tetapi tidak dapat menyelesaikan
Dengarkan suara dari dalam
Ini hanya mulai menemukan rilis

Oh, sudah tiba saatnya untuk impian aku untuk didengar
Mereka tidak akan mendorong ke samping dan berbalik
Ke anda sendiri karena semua anda tidak akan

Dengar, aku sendirian di persimpangan jalan
Aku tidak di rumah dirumahku sendiri
Dan aku sudah mencoba dan mencoba untuk mengatakan apa yang ada di pikiran aku
Anda seharusnya tahu

Oh, sekarang aku sudah selesai percaya Anda
Anda tidak tahu apa yang kurasakan
Aku lebih dari apa yang anda buat dari aku
Aku mengikuti suara yang Anda berikan kepadaku
Tapi sekarang Aku harus menemukan sendiri

Anda harus mendengarkan, ada seseorang di sini dalam
Seseorang yang aku pikir telah meninggal begitu lama
Oh, aku bebas sekarang dan impian saya akan didengar
Mereka tidak akan tersingkir atau berubah
Ke anda sendiri semua karena Anda tidak akan

Aku tidak tahu di mana saya bergabung
Tapi aku akan pindah
Jika Anda tidak, jika Anda tidak akan

Dengarkan lagu di sini di hatiku
Melodi aku mulai tapi aku akan menyelesaikan

Oh, sekarang aku sudah selesai percaya Anda
Anda tidak tahu apa yang kurasakan
Aku lebih dari apa yang Anda terbuat dari saya
Aku mengikuti suara yang Anda pikir Anda berikan kepada saya
Tapi sekarang Aku harus menemukan sendiri

Saya sendiri.

My Opinion

I love this song because this song so catchy
This song tells about the expression of a woman's heart and what he feel's
Here the woman said she was disappointed at her boyfriend and she wants her boyfriend should understand and know what he feels.

I like to listen to this song not only at the time when I was feeling the same as that described the song
Although the story of this song I have ever tasted as well.
but whenever I used to listen to this song because this song is not boring.

Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

If Claused

IF Claused
Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.
1.    Conditional Sentence Type 1
It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Text Box: if  +  simple present , subject  +  will  +  bare invinitive

1.       if i finish work early , i play tennis
2.      if she has enough time , she will come to your house
3.      if  you invite us , we will come to your wedding party

Text Box: If  +  simple present ,subject  +  can,may,must  +  bare infinitive
1.      if  you leave now, you will arrive in time (certain result)
2.      if you leave now , you may arrive in time (possibility)
3.      if he is in hurry , he can use my car (permission)
2.    Conditional Sentence Type 2
Conditional sentence type II is used to indicate something that is contrary to fact or in real time now.

Text Box: If + subject + simple past, subject + would, could, might + bare infinitive

1.      If you had longer legs, you would be able to run faster
2.       If you spoke English well , he would be accepted to work here
3.       If I had a spare ticket , I would give it to him
Conditional sentence type II is also used to indicate something we did not expect to happen at the present time.

Text Box: If + subject + simple past, subject + would, could, might + bare infinitive

1.      If a robber came into my house, I would throw a knife at him
2.       If the man chased me , I would ran away
3.       If he wanted to kill me , I would report him to a police
3.    Conditional Sentence Type 3
Conditional sentence type III is used to indicate a completion (regret and others) about something that will never happen again at a time when now.

Text Box: If  +  subject  +  past perfect , would/could/might   +  have  +  past participle

1.      you had gone by car, you would have arrive in bandung
2.      If you had studied english seriously, you would spoken english well
3.       If she had tried harder, she would have been successful
4.       If you had left early, you might have arrive there
Cyssco, Dhanny R,
Keys to success in toefl/Penulis : Dhanny R. Cyssco.
Penyunting : Dwi Haryanto, Cetakan 1. Jakarta : Puspa Swara, 2003.

Rabu, 30 April 2014


Direct and Indirect Speech, yang juga kita kenal dengan istilah lain yaitu Reported Speech. Direct Speect adalah kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara dan jika ditulis kalimat tersebut akan diberi tanda kutip. Sedangkan Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang kita laporkan kepada orang lain secara tidak langsung dan tanpa diberi koma.
Reporting verb: Tono says,
Reported words ”I’m very good at English”
Tense yang harus kita perhatikan dalam pola ini yaitu:
Direct Speech:
Simple Present Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Simple Past Tense
Simple Future Tense
Future Continouos Tense
Indirect Speech:
Simple Past Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Future Tense/Conditional
Past Future Continuous Tense (Conditional Continuous)
Kalau reported speech berhubungan dengan kebenaran umum atau fakta yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan, present indefinite atau simple present dalam reported speech tidak diubah ke dalam bentuk lampau yang sesuai, melainkan tetap persis sebagaimana adanya,
Contoh :
He said, “The sun rises in the east” → He said that the sun rises in the east.
Direct  :                                               Indirect :
Now                                        →        Then
Today                                      →        That day
Tonight                                    →        That night
This week                                →        That week
Yesterday                                →        The day before
The day before yesterday       →        Two days before
Last night                                →        The night before
Last week/year                        →        The previous week/year
A year ago                               →        A year before/The previous year
Three years ago                       →        Three years before
Tomorrow                               →        The next day/The following day
The day after tomorrow          →        In two day’s time/The following day
Next week/year                       →        The following week/year
On Sunday                              →        On Sunday
Here                                        →        There
This book                                →        The book
This                                         →        That
These                                       →        Those
Over there                               →        Over there
Can      →        Could
May     →        Might
Might  →        Might
Must    →        Would have to (kegiatan yang akan datang)/had to (keharusan yang biasa)
The man said, “I must mend the wall next week”
The man said that he would have to mend the wall the following week.
Pria itu mengatakan bahwa dia harus memperbaiki dinding minggu berikutnya.
The girl said, ” I must wash my hands before eating”
The girl said that she had to wash her hands before eating.
Gadis itu berkata bahwa dia harus mencuci tangannya sebelum makan.
Direct and Indirect Speech ada 3 macam:
1. Statement (Pernyataan) yang menggunakan “that”
He said, “we will go to Singapore tomorrow”
He said that they would go to Singapore the next day.
Bob said, ” I’m a university student”
Bob said that he was a university student.

2. Command (Perintah) menambahkan kata “to” sebagai penghubung kalimat melaporkan dengan yang dilaporkan. “not to” dalam perintah negatif.

He told me, “wait for me !”
He told me to wait for him.
She told me, “don’t cheat anymore !”
She told me not to cheat anymore.

3. Question (Pertanyaan) jika kalimat dari jenis “yes or no question”, maka bentuk laporannya menggunakan if atau whether.

Ina asked me, “Do you really love me?”
Ina asked me if/whether I really loved her.
Mixed type:
Anton asked me, “what’s happening to you ? You look so pale”
Anton asked me what was happening to me as I looked so pale.
Catatan: Past Tense kadang-kadang tidak berubah dalam percakapan.


1.      D : She says to her friend, “ I have been reading “
I : She says to her friend that he has been reading
2.      D : He will say, “ The girl wasn’t ugly “
I : He will tell them that the girl wasn’t ugly
3.      D : Reza said, “ I’m very sleepy “
I : Reza said that he was very sleepy
4.      D : He has told you, “ I am writing “
I : He has told you that he is writing
5.      D : Mother said to her son, “ study hard “
I : Mothe advised her son to study hard
6.      D : My friend said to me, “ I don’t like football “
I : My friend said to me that he didn’t like football
7.      D : She said, “ I didn’t go to campus
I : She said that she hadn’t gone to campus this morning
8.      D : Rikza says, “ I have seen that movies “
I : Rikza says that she has seen that movies
9.      D : Mother asked her, “ Don’t go there alone “
I : Mother asked her not to go there alone
10.  D : Father asked robi, “ Don’t smoke too much “
I : Father asked robi not to smoke too much


Jack, Saharuddin Hasan. 2003. The Easiest Way of Comprehending English Grammar. Jakarta : Batavia Press
Djauhari, Imam D. 1996. Mastery on English Grammar. Surabaya : Indah Surabaya

Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

    Nama:    Emilya Putri
    Kelas:     4EA06
    NPM:     12210362

1.     George is cooking   dinner      tonight
          S       V Phase    Comp   Mod of Time

Is Cooking is V Phase cause Is Cooking is phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is cooking as main verb and is as predicate.

2.     We     can eat      lunch   in the restaurant         today
          S     V Phase     Comp     Mod of Place    Mod of Time

Can eat is V Phase cause can eat is phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is eat as main verb and can as predicate.

3.     Pat should have bought gasoline       today
        S            V Phase            Comp   Mod of Time
Should have bought  is V Phase cause should have bought  is phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is bought main verb and should have as predicate.

4.     She opened a checking account     in the bank         yesterday
         S       V                  Comp           Mod of Place    Mod of Time

if considered construction od a sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject, verb, comp, mod of time, and mod of place.

5.     He was driving very fast
         S     V Phase     Comp

Was driving bought  is V Phase cause should was driving  is phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is driving main verb and should was as predicate.

6.     She drave the car     on the street
         S       V    Comp    Mod of Place

if considered construction od a sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject, verb, comp, and mod of place.

7.     We girls are not going to that movie
         S            V Phase    Mod of Place

Are not going bought  is V Phase cause should are not going is phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is going main verb and are not was as predicate.

8.     The chemestry professor canceled  class     today
                      S                      V       Comp   Mod of Time

if considered construction od a sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject, verb, comp, and mod of time.

9.     She must have gone    to the bank
         S         V Phase       Mod of Place

Must have gone bought  is V Phase cause should must have gone is phrase composed of main verb and auxiliary that functions as a predicate, that is gone main verb and must have was as predicate.

10.   The weather  was very bad     yesterday
         S                Comp        Mod of Time

if considered construction od a sentence is a sentence consisting of a subject, comp, and mod of time.